Precisely to achieve these goals, after the pandemic, the
overcrowding of vehicles has become one of the main concerns of transport companies. In fact, several surveys have shown that our sensitivity to public transport crowding has increased and we tolerate lower load rates than before.In response to this, we have observed that more and more networks are reviewing their
carrying capacities, in order to make them more realistic and more in line with the traveler's experience.
A system at the service of both passengers and transport operators
In order to improve the passenger experience, we have implemented, together with Keolis Lyon and other partners, a new system focused precisely on the passenger experience, able to respond to the problem of overcrowding. Through the TCL Live application, already available in the iOs and Android stores, passengers are able to know in real time the rate of crowding of buses on the line, so they can decide whether to wait for a less crowded bus and travel more comfortably and safely.The TCL_LIVE application is powered by 4Fleets software that processes data from passenger counting sensors on doors and/or transported load sensors in real time.The 4Fleets software imports on-board sensor data via a public, industry-standard protocol, independent of any on-board equipment supplier. The service manager can therefore follow the technological evolution and choose from time to time the most convenient sensors without technical-commercial constraints.All the crowding indicators on board offered by the 4Fleets software are calculated by line, per day and per ride thus allowing a detailed monitoring of the quality of the service.The knowledge of crowding rates will benefit not only passengers, but also public transport operators who can thus optimize the capacity of vehicles on the line, reduce the ecological impact, consumption, and operating cost.For more information about the TCL Live application and the 4Fleets software, please contact us.